Biomedical Technology Innovation Group
Prof. Martha Gray


Madrid-MIT M+Visión Consortium

This consortium seeks to catalyze the development of an ecosystem for translational biomedical imaging through a portfolio of talent development programs.

Role: PI          Agency: Community of Madrid and Madri+d foundation.

Total Award Period Covered:   10/01/2012-06/30/2015

MIT-India Department of Biotechnology (DBT) Partnership for advancing Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences and Technology in India

This collaborative project is one element in the strategy of the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) in India to promote the development of innovative research at the convergence of technology, science, and medicine. In particular, the programs developed and offered through this partnership provide networking and talent development opportunities for potential and early-stage academics in India.

Role: PI          Agency: Department of Biotechnology, Government of India

Total Award Period Covered:   10/31/2014-06/30/2015

IMPACT Program @ MIT

As part of MIT’s Innovation Initiative, the IMPACT program provides professional, project, and leadership development to selected science and engineering post-doctoral fellows at MIT

Role: PI          Agency: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Total Award Period Covered:   10/31/2014-06/30/2015

Graduate Education in Medical Sciences (GEMS)      

The major goal of this project is to develop and assess new program, designed specifically to integrate medical knowledge within the training of biosciences graduate students, with the aim of increasing the likelihood of and opportunities for engaging in translational research. Though funding is now complete, the program continues at MIT.

Role: PI          Agency: HHMI

Total Award Period Covered:   10/31/2006-12/30/2016