Training related publications
- Gray ML, Bonventre J. Training PhD researchers to translate science to clinical medicine: Closing the gap from the other side. Nature Medicine 2002; 8:433-436.
- Greenberg J.E., Delgutte B., Gray M.L., Hands-on learning in biomedical signal processing. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine 2003; 22(4): 71-79.
- Gray M.L. Training Ph.D.s to Translate Science to Clinical Medicine, in “Ensuring an Infectious Disease Workforce: Education and Training Needs for the 21st Century- Workshop Summary,” Institute of Medicine and National Academy Press 2006.
Other publications
- Voldman J., Gray ML and Schmidt M. Microfabrication in Biology and Medicine. Biomedical Engineering 1999; 1:401-425.
- Allen RG, Burstein D and Gray ML. Monitoring glycosaminoglycan replenishment in cartilage explants with gadolinium enhanced magnetic resonance imaging. J Orthop Res 1999; 17(3): 430-436.
- Bashir A, Gray ML, Hartke J and Burstein D. Nondestructive imaging of human cartilage glycosaminoglycan concentration by MRI. Mag Res Med 1999; 41: 857-865.
- Burstein D, Bashir A. and Gray ML. MRI Techniques in early stages of cartilage disease. Investigative Radiology 2000; 35:622-638.
- Gillis A, Bashir A, McKeon B, Scheller A, Gray ML and Burstein D. MR imaging of glycosaminoglycan in patients with autologous chondrocyte transplants. Investigative Radiology 2001; 36(12):743-748.
- Gray ML, Burstein D. and Xia Y. Biochemical (and functional) imaging of articular cartilage. Seminars on Musculosketal Radiology 2001; 5:329-344.
- Kim Y.J., Jaramillo D., Millis M.B., Gray M.L., Burstein D. Assessment of Early Osteoarthritis in Hip Dysplasia with Delayed Gadolinium-Enhanced MRI of Cartilage. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 2003; 85-A(10): 1987-92.
- Williams A., Oppenheimer R.A., Gray M.L., Burstein D. Differential recovery of glycosaminoglycan after IL-1-induced degradation of boyine articular cartilage depends on degree of degradation. Arthritis Research Therapy 2003; 5(2): R97-105.
- Gray M.L., Eckstein F., Peterfy C., Dahlberg L., Kim Y.J., Sorensen A.G. Toward Imaging Biomarkers for Osteoarthritis. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 2004; 427S: 175-181.
- Gray M.L., Burstein D. Is MRI fulfilling its promise for molecular imaging of cartilage in arthritis? Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 2006; 14: 1087-90.
- Gray M.L., Burstein D., Kim Y., Maroudas A. Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Cartilage Glycosaminoglycan: Basic Principles, Imaging Technique, and Clinical Applications. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 26, 281-291, (2008).
- Goodwin, J.L., Farley, M.L., Swaim, B., Goldring, S.R., Goldring, M.B., Bierbaum, B.E., Gray, M.L., Dual Proline-labeling Protocol for Individual “Basedline” and “Reseponse” Biosynthesis Measurements in Human Articular Cartilage Samples. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 16, 1263-1266 (2008).
- Gray, M. L.: Toward imaging biomarkers for glycosaminoglycans. J Bone Joint Surg Am, 91A: 44-9 (2009).
- Burstein D, Gray M, Mosher T, Dardzinski B., Measures of Molecular Composition and Structure in Osteoarthritis. Radiologic Clinics of North America 47:675-686 (2009).